When it comes to Canadian studies, one can wonder whether researchers are not participating in the nation-brand competition. These studies were designed to project the image of a nation under construction. However, the points of view on Canada play a major role in the circulation of narrative spaces. From the perspective of the Baltic and Nordic countries, Canada remains a country of the shared North, and the aim of this book is to describe the contours of a transnordic narrative, highlighting texts, images and cultural objects specific to this biocultural region.
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Hvordan er samisk kunst fremstilt i norsk kunsthistorie? Så enkelt og så komplekst er spørsmålet som driver denne boken frem. Utgangspunktet er en nysgjerrighet omkring hvordan samisk transnasjonalstatelighet slår ut i kunsthistorien; et spørsmål som ikke tidligere har blitt fremhevet som eksplisitt innfallsvinkel i undersøkelser av samisk kunst. Dette er en av svært få historiografiske analyser av kunsthistoriefaget i Norge, og den eneste med samisk historiografi som omdreiningspunkt.
What is the role of the nation state in art history, and how has the national paradigm shaped the presentation of Sámi art? This book examines the representation of Sámi art, artefacts, practices, materialities, actors, concepts, and themes in Norwegian art history, to uncover some of the prevailing disciplinary mechanisms and narratives. This is one of very few historiographical studies on the art historical discipline in Norway, and the first comprehensive monograph on the representation of Sámi art.
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Based on fieldwork in Tokyo, this book explores how and to what effect lines are drawn by producers, players and critics of adult computer games. Focusing on interactions with manga/anime-style characters, these games often feature explicit sex acts. Noting that the characters can appear quite young, legal actions have been taken in a number of countries to categorize and prohibit such content as child abuse material. While Japanese politicians continue to debate a similar course, adult computer game producers, players and critics are drawing their own lines between fiction and reality and orienting themselves toward the drawn lines of manga/anime-style characters. The book argues for understanding this everyday practice as an ethics of affective response to fictional characters. Occurring individually and socially in both private and public spaces, this response not only discourages harming human beings, but also supports life in more-than-human worlds.
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The authors of this edited volume focus on the emergence of populist discourses, coming from movements or parties from Romance-speaking countries in Europe and in Latin America. By combining linguistics, social and political sciences in a discourse analytical approach, the sixteen papers enlighten the mechanisms behind populist discourses yielding from different socio-cultural and political contexts. The common denominator of the studies is the focus on the discursive and rhetorical characteristics of recently emerged movements of populism in both continents. Investigating expressions of these political movements is highly relevant in today’s society, where the growing number of populist discourses has become a pre-eminent issue, alongside people’s increasing insecurity regarding future political and environmental challenges. The primary audience of this volume are researchers working in the fields of political discourse analysis; however, this book may benefit anybody with interest in language in politics.
‘This volume will be a valuable contribution to the study of populist discourse at the political extremes. It hardly needs to be mentioned that this is one of the most topical issues in political discourse throughout the world today. The specifics of populist discourse are often misunderstood, so I have found this volume enlightening and helpful to increasing my own understanding.’ — Rodney Williamson, University of Ottawa
‘The anthology provides indeed a fine analysis of discourses connected to different socio-cultural and political contexts […] Since it brings together researchers specialized in media and political discourse analysis, it contributes to a large extent to promote a deeper understanding of current political discourses and extremist ideologies.’ — Ana Pano Alamán, University of Bologna
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Christophe Premat est maître de conférences en études culturelles au département d´études romanes et classiques de l´Université de Stockholm, il est co-rédacteur en chef de la Revue Nordique des Études Francophones, franorfon.org.
L´ouvrage revient sur la génèse des institutions de la Francophonie au moment des indépendances des pays africains dans les années 1960. En s´appuyant sur une analyse géopolitique et sur les théories postcoloniales, l´auteur réévalue le positionnement de la France qui officiellement prend ses distances avec cette organisation multilatérale pour mieux la contrôler dans les années 1980 lorsque la Francophonie augmente sa capacité politique à intervenir sur les grandes questions internationales. En confrontant l´esprit des structures aux acteurs de la Francophonie, l´ouvrage évalue les défis et la difficulté à cerner les domaines d´action spécifiques de cette organisation. Plus fondamentalement, cet ouvrage propose une analyse critique du discours francophone construit autour d´une idéologie qui fait de la langue française un instrument pétri de valeurs et de normes.
Christophe Premat is a senior lecturer in cultural studies in the Department of Romance Studies and Classics at Stockholm University and Co-Editor-In-Chief for the Nordic Journal of Francophone Studies, https://franorfon.org.
The book studies the genesis of the institutions of the Francophonie at the time of independence of African countries in the sixties. Based on geopolitical analysis and postcolonial theories, the author reassesses the position of France which officially distanced itself from this multilateral organization. France controlled more and more the organization in the 1980s when the organization increased its political expression on international issues. By confronting the spirit of the structures with the actors of the Francophonie, the work reflects on the challenges and the difficulty to define the specific fields of action of this organization. Furthermore, the book proposes a critical analysis of the francophone discourse based on the ideology that makes the French language an instrument containing values and norms.
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“Polemik in den Schriften Melchior Hoffmans. Inszenierungen rhetorischer Streitkultur in der Reformationszeit” is a study of pamphlets written as a reaction to, and attempt for, expansion of the Lutheran and Zwinglian Reformation. Melchior Hoffman’s work has, so far, almost solely been investigated by historians of religion and thus focused merely on religious topics and argumentation, and rather seldomly on the literary aspects of his pamphlets – such as rhetorics, argumentation strategies and text compilation. In order to close this gap of research on Melchior Hoffman and – in the sense of a New Historicism approach – give him as a non-canonical author more attention, this book focuses on the literary qualities of the texts. It is thus the first full-length study on Melchior Hoffman by a literary scholar. Not only has little been written on Melchior Hoffman, but also about lay writers in the Reformation at all. Thus, the book delivers new perspectives within the field of Reformation pamphlet writers.
Theoretical significance is an integral part of the study, with a focus on developing a new theoretical concept for analyzing polemic texts. The innovative approach combines post-modern theories like (constructivist) Cultural Studies, and Performativity concepts with Communication Analyses and Classical Rhetorics. By doing so, it provides a unique approach to texts from the 16th century, which can easily and reasonably be applied to polemical texts of the 21st century as well as to even older texts than Hoffman’s.
The book has been written in the research field of German Literature, but will be of great interest for both literary scholars and historians (of religion or culture).
This book is published in German:
Als ‚radikaler Reformator‘ geriet Melchior Hoffman immer wieder in Konflikte mit Vertretern der lutherischen und zwinglischen Reformation. Die Auseinandersetzungen über die ‚wahre Lehre Gottes‘ schlugen sich dabei in unterschiedlichen Textsorten und formen nieder: Hoffman stritt in polemischen Einzelschriften, Schriftwechseln sowie einem Reformationsdialog und polemisierte sogar in Bibelkommentaren und Traktaten.
Diese Schriften Hoffmans werden hier erstmals unter literaturwissenschaftlichen Gesichtspunkten behandelt. Sie werden als Orte der Performanz einer rhetorischen Streitkultur verstanden, die typisch für die Reformationszeit und generell für religiöse Auseinandersetzungen zwischen Theologie und Laienfrömmigkeit sind: In der schriftlichen Inszenierung des Streits manifestiert sich die komplexe kulturelle Wechselwirkung zwischen den rhetorischen Normen und Traditionen auf der einen und der individuellen Auseinandersetzung mit ihnen auf der anderen Seite. Das textuelle In-Szene-Setzen ist somit als performative Handlung zu verstehen, die Polemik selbst als deren grundlegendes inszenatorisches Prinzip.
Kerstin Lundström untersucht Hoffmans Polemik mittels einer Kombination aus Rhetorikanalyse und modernen Methoden der Kommunikations- und Performativitätsanalyse. Das Ergebnis ist die Identifizierung unterschiedlicher Konstellationen der Rede, die maßgeblich mit der sprachlichen Ausgestaltung zusammenwirken. Der Fokus liegt insbesondere darauf, wie die einzelnen Bausteine von Hoffmans vielschichtiger Polemik – auf Text- und auf Kontextebene – ineinander greifen und ihre performative Wirkmächtigkeit entfalten.
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Ce livre porte sur les relations culturelles entre la France et la Suède de 1945 à nos jours. Il réunit les articles présentés à l’occasion de la conférence internationale, « Frankrike-Sverige – Tur och retur », qui a eu lieu à Stockholm en janvier 2014, organisée par l’Université Paris-Sorbonne et l’Université de Stockholm. Ces vingt-deux articles tracent ensemble une histoire croisée des médiations matérielles et immatérielles, dynamiques et complexes, ayant permis la construction des identités culturelles dans trois domaines principaux : les représentations et l’imaginaire ; la médiation et les vecteurs de transmission ; la traduction, la réception et la circulation des oeuvres.
Denna bok behandlar kulturella relationer mellan Frankrike och Sverige från 1945 till våra dagar. De olika artiklarna bygger på den forskning som presenterades på den internationella konferensen ”Frankrike-Sverige – Tur och retur” i Stockholm i januari 2014. Konferensen organiserades av Sorbonne-universitetet i Paris och Stockholms universitet. De tjugotvå bidragen ger tillsammans en bild av de komplexa och rörliga samband och kontaktpunkter som genom historien uppstått mellan de båda länderna. Tre huvudsakliga fält har identifierats där kulturella identiteter skapats över nationsgränserna: representationer och föreställningsvärldar; mediering och förmedling; översättning, mottagande och cirkulering av verk.
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