This book is aimed at researchers, students, and practitioners interested in how the voices of experts have been conveyed in the public sphere during the early waves of the COVID-19 pandemic. Beyond controversies over the selection of these experts by governments or the media, the book draws on methodologies from discourse analysis, media studies, political science, sociology, and social psychology to compare the role that experts played in justifying unpopular political decisions. Several configurations have emerged, including politically contested systems with medical heroes, bureaucratized systems with a super-reference expert, or more collegiate forms of committees tasked with providing political leaders with the necessary reports to justify political decisions.
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Peter Artedi of Sweden, the 'Father of Ichthyology', on his death in 1735, only 30 years old, left behind one major manuscript on Ichthyology and three minor ones on Fishes and Mammals. This work attempts to bring together in two volumes all that is known about his life and works. Volume I offers a chronicle of his life and his ardent interest in the study of fishes and mammals, recounting his early upbringing his school days, his ten years at Uppsala University, his time in England, his life and work in Holland, and ending with his untimely death by drowning in an Amsterdam canal. In this volume his three smaller works are offered in Latin editions with English translations, and analysed in light of present-day knowledge. Volume II will offer an English translation of his Ichthyologia sive opera omnia de piscibus, Leiden 1738.
Book DetailsIndo-European Interfaces investigates aspects of the early Indo-European society from a range of perspectives, including archaeology, linguistics and comparative mythology. The book presents new research within these fields aimed at the general reader and specialist alike.
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Léxico y semántica es un libro de 10 capítulos que exploran el léxico y sus vertebraciones semánticas desde varias perspectivas.
El léxico es el armazón de la lengua. Constituye los ladrillos con los cuales se construyen las oraciones, llamadas en las últimas décadas enunciados, desde los enfoques pragmáticos.
La lengua es un constructo formado por varias unidades como si fuera una pared de piedra. Sin embargo, debe tenerse en cuenta que la heterogeneidad y el carácter multiforme es más propio de los constructos lingüísticos que de las construcciones arquitectónicas. Hasta ahora no se pueden formalizar del todo matemáticamente. En ambos casos se trata de unidades, ladrillos y piedras que se ponen unas junto a otras aplicando unas reglas químicas y físicas. Eso es morfológicas y sintácticas para dar un aspecto general significativo. Tanto en un caso como en otro hay elementos que unen cada pieza a otra y las cementan: las preposiciones, conjunciones y todo tipo de marcadores del discurso entran en esta tipología. Ahora bien, más que en el ámbito de la construcción, las piezas, piedras y ladrillos, pueden ser o de canteras internas o de procedencia extranjera. En esto, menos en el ámbito de la albañilería que en los constructos lingüísticos.
Book DetailsFörmågan att analysera, historisera och granska bilder och bildflöden kan idag inte överskattas. Men hur är det möjligt att förhålla sig analytiskt till de samtida och historiska visuella kulturer som ofta utmärks av en påtaglig spretighet? Inom visuella kulturstudier kan de empiriska möjligheterna tillåtas förbli många, givet att det framför allt är frågorna – snarare än ett på förhand givet material – som driver analysen framåt. Den här boken vänder sig till dig som vill fördjupa och utveckla dina kunskaper om bilder och visuell kommunikation. Genom empiriskt välförankrade texter ger boken analytiska redskap för att undersöka hur bilder har varit och är en del av att skapa, förmedla och befästa kunskap och erfarenheter, liksom hur bilder kan ge uttryck för värderingar, ideologier och estetiska normer.
Book DetailsWhen it comes to Canadian studies, one can wonder whether researchers are not participating in the nation-brand competition. These studies were designed to project the image of a nation under construction. However, the points of view on Canada play a major role in the circulation of narrative spaces. From the perspective of the Baltic and Nordic countries, Canada remains a country of the shared North, and the aim of this book is to describe the contours of a transnordic narrative, highlighting texts, images and cultural objects specific to this biocultural region.
Book DetailsThis volume studies emerging populism in Europe and Latin America, including Italy, France, Spain and Brazil. These countries share cultural similarities in terms of religion, language, and norms due to their Romance-speaking background. Being Mediterranean countries (with the exception of Brazil), some common political concerns such as overseas immigration, deindustrialization and globalization have given rise to populist movements, which motivates the study of their expressions in the politics and the media. Brazil, though outside Europe, shares many of the above-mentioned values and issues, offering a unique Lusophonic and Latin American perspective on populism, driven by disparities, strong leaders, and corruption. The chapters analyze the strategies of populist leaders and the role of social media in spreading information and disinformation and provide an overview of emerging populism and its interaction with social media.
Book DetailsBoken behandlar ett begrepp som under de senaste decennierna fått en allt viktigare plats i humanistisk forskning: Materialitet. Den vänder sig till studenter i konstvetenskap och andra bildtolkande vetenskaper och är avsedd som en introduktion till materialitet som teoretiskt begrepp och till dess tillämpbarhet vid analyser och tolkningar. Efter en inledande introduktion följer sex kapitel som vart och ett prövar begreppet mot ett konkret konstvetenskapligt studieobjekt. Exemplen, valda utifrån författarnas forskarexpertis, spänner från 1600-talet till modern tid och innefattar måleri, skulptur, arkitektur, konsthantverk och vad som brukar benämnas etnografika.
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Le système littéraire francophone constitue un ensemble littéraire diversifié mais sa visibilité en est encore très réduite. Les littératures francophones sont indéniablement filtrées, sévèrement sélectionnées, partiellement commentées et irrévocablement réduites à une poignée d’écrivains ou d’œuvres en circulation lorsqu’on examine le transfert des littératures francophones vers le centre parisien. Mais, quelles sont les pratiques à l’œuvre dans le transfert littéraire des littératures francophones vers la périphérie? La présente étude prend son point de départ dans la circulation de la littérature entre périphéries et étudie les échanges entre les espaces littéraires francophones et l’espace littéraire scandinave semi-périphérique non francophone, plus spécifiquement la Suède. En procédant à l’examen du transfert littéraire à trois niveaux différents (macro-, méso- et microscopique), ce livre analyse les flux de traduction et de réception, les pratiques des médiateurs (journalistes et traducteurs) et la critique métalittéraire. En conclusion, cette étude réussit à dégager un ensemble de pratiques de sélection, de médiation et de lecture à travers lesquelles la Suède a su négocier d’une part son propre positionnement et, de l’autre, celui des littératures francophones et inévitablement celui de l’Hexagone.
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What can artists learn from theatre scholars when it comes to performing historical works on stage today? What can theatre scholars learn from today’s artists when it comes to understanding the works and practices of the past? How is the experience of modern spectators affected by attending performances in historic theatres? And how, aesthetically, do we experience the reconstruction of productions from the remote past?
The essays in this anthology try to answer these questions by initiating a dialogue between academic and artistic research. They reflect a desire to develop and expand the methods traditionally used by theatre historians, presenting a variety of angles on today’s performances in historic theatres and on today’s attempts to revive theatrical practices of the past.
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