Series enumerativas y populismo en el discurso político español en Twitter
Ana Pano Alamán
Chapter from the book: Roitman, M et al. 2023. The New Challenges of Populist Discourses in Romance Speaking Countries.
Chapter from the book: Roitman, M et al. 2023. The New Challenges of Populist Discourses in Romance Speaking Countries.
This chapter presents the results of an analysis of list constructions within a corpus of tweets published by five Spanish political leaders. The series are analyzed in relation to the main features of the populist discourse, namely, the constant appeal to the people facing a threat, which is connected to other political actors and social groups, and the creation of clashing antagonisms between these two actors. The results indicate that the series are employed in the corpus as intensifiying argumentative strategies and to establish an opposition between us and them, which can be more or less exacerbated according to the sociopolitical context.
Pano Alamán, A. 2023. Series enumerativas y populismo en el discurso político español en Twitter. In: Roitman, M et al (eds.), The New Challenges of Populist Discourses in Romance Speaking Countries. Stockholm: Stockholm University Press. DOI:
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Published on Dec. 6, 2023