La représentation populiste. Du leader au peuple : identification, incarnation et hybridités. Le cas des affiches électorales du Front/Rassemblement national
Affiliation: Université Sorbonne Nouvelle Paris 3, FR
Chapter from the book: Roitman, M et al. 2023. The New Challenges of Populist Discourses in Romance Speaking Countries.
In times of political crisis, populism uses visual artifacts to give concreteness to central entities such as power and the people. The campaign poster, which favours visibility, simplicity and accessibility to the message, fits particularly with the populist goals of embodying the people and bridging the political representational gap. How does political representation transfer to/become visual representation? Which visual, symbolic, psycho-affective processes are mobilized? To answer these questions, this study intends to explore the concept of representation as well as the iconography of the National Front/Rally throughout its campaign posters from 1972 to 2019.